Category: Scouts

Scouts: PEAK 2013

A note from National Events:

Easter is fast approaching and with it brings the return of 12 tutors and 36 Scouts to the wilds of Kerry for a weeks intensive training in hillwalking and navigation. This year is PEAK’s 29th year of running the extremely successful National Event. The aim of the week is to build a strong foundation of navigation and mapwork skills, working up to a 2 day overnight expedition across some of the most challenging and beautiful terrain that Ireland has to offer.

PEAK (Patrol Expedition Adventure Camp) is open to Scouts from all across the country between the ages of 14 and 17, to come to Kerry for a week and make new friends, learn tonnes of new skills, hone skills they already have and take part in a range of adventure activities such as kayaking, climbing and abseiling.
The Scouts are split into 6 patrols of 6, with each patrol assigned two experienced tutors for the week to train them in everything from grid references and contour recognition to night nav and pacing. The aim is to train scouts to the level of stage 6 adventure skill hillwalking award.
The  event concludes with an overnight expedition where the patrols must navigate between checkpoints by themselves, much like on a Sionnach or MPC. They face challenges such as the devil’s punchbowl ascent, finding high camp in the old forest, canoeing across the remote Mucross lakes, ascending to Eagles nest and finishing with an abseil down into the Black Valley.
There are still places for PEAK this year and we encourage you to consider sending somebody eligible from your group.
When we ask the groups that constantly send applicants back to PEAK each year they respond telling us that its an amazing experience for the Scout, but also its an investment in the Scout, the group and the scout county. Many groups sponsor scouts and in these times in particular that may be necessary.
The Dates for PEAK this year are from good friday (29th March) – until the following friday (5th April). The cost is €250 – this includes everything for the week, food, accommodation, transport while on the event, tutoring and activities.
More information can be found on
Booking forms and details on booking can be found here:

Scouts: Bag Pack for Annual Camp 2013

Rota for the first Bag Pack Friday 5th & Saturday 6th April

This Bag Pack will take place in Tesco, Rathfarnham Shopping Centre.

As with previous years, this is a strict Rota. If you do not show up for your time slot you will not get your share of the fundraised monies. If you wish to swap your time with someone else on the list this is entirely up to you and you must inform your Scout Leaders so that they can change your name on the Rota.


Friday 5th April  5pm – 9pm

Robert Barron, Kristen O’Neill, Caoimhe O’Neill, Kate Perry, Dillon Ryan, Ethan Frehill


Saturday 6th April  10am – 2pm

Luke Curley, Andrew Finn, Devinn Hurley, Paul Murphy, Eoin Molloy, Ian Cooper, David O’Callaghan


Saturday 6th April  2pm – 6pm

Ciaran Mulqueen, Mark Mulqueen, Sarah Joyce, Stephen Cooper, Auveen O’Donnell, Eoghan O’Reilly, Cathal Concannon



There will be another Bag Pack late April (Dates: Thursday 25th – Saturday 27th). The Rota for this bag pack will be available at a later date.


Scouts: Patrol Camps & Mock Shield

Robert Barron & Kristen O’Neills Patrol : Saturday 2nd – Sunday 3rd March.

Leon Maughan & Ciaran Mulqueens Patrol : Saturday 9th – Sunday 10th March.

PL’s to organise Booking of Larch Hill, Menus, Price, Gear, etc with good timing before their camps. Patrol members to confirm to their PL’s if they can go on this camp. We encourage all Scouts to take part in their Patrol Camps as this is one of the main objectives of Scouting Irelands One Programme.

If any Parents/Guardians have any queries of concern please visit the Scout Section at a Thursday night meeting to discuss.


Mock Shield: This will take place in Larch Hill on Friday 22nd March – Sunday 24th March. Details TBC.