Category: Scouts

Hostel Saturday 9th Feb

there is one female place left on this hostel. Please contact scout leaders if interested.


Meeting at the Scout Den @ 10am Saturday morning

Lifts will be needed. Directions will be available on Saturday.

Please do not forget your torch for our midnight hike!


collection time 12 lunch time Sunday. If parents/guardians could arrange lifts to/from hostel this would be a huge help


Edited 08/02/13 @  11:30am

Directions will be available on this website later tonight. We have printed directions to give to the parents driving tomorrow.

Please bring lots of warm clothes as our Irish weather is still quite cold.



Edited 08/02/13 @ 14:25pm


Head Southbound on the M50 > Merge onto M11 > Continue on to N11 to Kilmacanoge (exit for Roundwood)

From Roundwood follow R755 to Annamoe and Larragh

Entering Larragh, take a left at Lyman’s Pub, following R755 (signposted Rathdrum)

After about 1.5km, keep an eye out for a right hand turn to Aghavannagh

Entering Glenmalure (Beside Glenmalure Lodge Hotel) take an immediate right at crossroads

Follow road for 6km until the road crosses a river – if you are not comfortable crossing the river in your car, you can leave the Scouts there to walk the rest of the way. We will not know how badly the bridge will be affected by the river until we reach it tomorrow (all depends on our lovely irish weather) but the walk is no more than 10 mins up the road.

If you do cross the river – follow the road, the hostel is 0.5km on the right hand side (the only house in the area)


If you are using a GPS Device enter “Baravore Co. Wicklow” and this will get you to the point just before the river or else these are the exact co-ordinates for the hostel:

N 52° 59.402`

W006° 25.105`



Please print these directions out if you are collecting the scouts on Sunday at 12.



Edited 08/02/13 @ 16:45pm

Please note there will be NO mobile phone coverage in this area




Hostel : Important information

There is now ONE space available for a FEMALE scout to come on our Hostel this Saturday the 9th of February. The price is €25.

We are currently waiting for confirmation from the Hostel regarding a cancellation on their side – which will mean we may have extra beds. We are aware that there were Scouts who wanted to come on the Hostel, but the hostel was fully booked. These Scouts will get first preference if they still want to come. We will contact parents of those Scouts shortly to confirm spaces (provided that the Hostel does have cancellations).



Edited 14:40 05/02/13 :

All Parents with Scouts on our cancellation list have now been contacted by text. Places to be confirmed by Parents asap.

There is still one Female place remaining for our Hostel this weekend.

If you are interested please TEXT lisa at 085 169 3385

Annual Camp Deposit Due

Please note, €150 deposit for Annual Camp is due by Thursday the 7th February.

We will not be accepting any deposits after this date unless a payment issue has been previously discussed with our Scout Leaders.


The dates for other payments are now as follows;

Thursday 7th March – €150

Thursday 4th April – €150


Any queries of concern please speak to our Scout Leaders at any Thursday night scout meeting.

Again, bag packs have been organised for this Annual Camp and we will be able to set a Rota shortly to give each scout enough notice. We will also be looking for supervision help from Parents for these bag pack weekends.

FOR SCOUTS ONLY: – One Programme Guide


The Scout Section recently became aware that 99% of our scouts have never been introduced to the Online Programme for Scouting Ireland. We would like to take this opportunity to let all of the Scouts know that this Online site is the core for information on our Scouting Programme.

We would appreciate it if each scout could register on – You will only be allowed to register if you enter ALL information correctly, as they have it entered in their Scouting Ireland Database.

This is a secure Scouting Ireland website which has been running for many years. It has trained administrators who will maintain the website Forums. In recent years it has incorporated a Login structure to make this site even safer. Scouts will only be accepted if they enter all of their details correctly & if it does not match the database that Scouting Ireland holds, they will not be allowed to go ahead with their Login.

If any scout has problems registering on this site please speak to one of the Scout Leaders.

Please also follow our Scout Section on Twitter @103rd_Scouts

Hostel Saturday 9th February


Date: Saturday 9th February, one night

Price: €25 per scout

Limit: due to the size of the hostel there will be a limited number of spaces available. This hostel will be first come first serve. To book onto the hostel you must pay €25 in full and we will then confirm your place.

Payment to be made as soon as possible