Waiting List – Refresh – 2021
We have begun planning for the new scouting year in the Group, starting in September 2021.
COVID-19 has brought a number of challenges that we haven’t faced before and we are working to overcome these so that we can continue to provide a safe scouting experience for all of our members.
At all times we will be cognisant of the evolving public health advice, guidance from Scouting Ireland and learnings from other re-openings in society. There are new procedures and protocols that we have to follow as a result.
As such, and due to a reduced number of active Adult Scouters (leaders / adult volunteers) we currently expect our intake of new members in September to be reduced for the coming year. Our Youth Member numbers are directly related to the number of Adult Scouters we have.
If you or another parent are interested in joining as an Adult Scouter to help with the weekly meetings and activities that we provide, we would welcome a discussion with you as soon as possible to outline what is involved. In line with our established recruitment policy, the children of active Adult Scouters get a priority place on our waiting list and would be among the first to receive the offer of a place as they become available.
We would also like to confirm by emailing [email protected], whether or not your family member(s) wish to remain on the waiting list for the Group. This will help us to finalise our plans for reopening by knowing the numbers of Youth Members we have wishing to join.
Please let us know by 5th July so that we can work towards finalising our numbers for September. We will be in touch with those we are offering places to during August.
A few points that should be noted about our September restart are:
- We are writing to you regardless of your age of your child(ren). Only those who are aged six or older on 1st September would be eligible to join the Group in September 2021, subject to the number of available places.
- It is hoped that based on the numbers of youth members and adults volunteers that all of the sections that we operated in the past will re-open but we need to assess the numbers of members returning before we can confirm that.
- Youth Sector specific advice, as of today, is that 15 people can meet outdoors (including adult volunteers). We will continue to monitor this advice and act in accordance.
It is important that you email [email protected] whether or not your family plans to remain on the waiting list or not, even if your child(ren) are not due to join this September. We will assume that those who do not respond no longer want to remain on the list.
Many thanks and we look forward to welcoming your family into the Scout Group in the future.
Yours in Scouting
Colin Hurley
Group Leader
1 July 2021