This years Group Camp will take place in Larch Hill from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th September. This is a great opportunity for all Beavers, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Ventures, Rovers and Leaders to come together and enjoy both Scouting and fun bases. This year we will be running group camp with a pirate theme. This will include both leaders and youth members having to dress up as their favourite Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Existing Youth Members
Cubs Scouts, Scouts, Ventures, Rovers and Conn Beavers (3rd year in Beavers) will meet in Larch Hill car park on Friday evening at 6pm. The cost for the weekend is €30.
Ruarac Beavers (2nd year in Beavers) will meet in Larch Hill car park on Saturday at 9AM and their cost will be €15.
The cost for the weekend covers all meals, activities and camping fees.
Collection time for everyone will be 1pm on Sunday. Please meet and collect from the MAIN CARPARK in Larch Hill. Please car-pool where possible.
New Youth Members
Our Cub Scouts and Scouts who are new to the group this year can come up for the day on Saturday from 10AM – 7PM and the cost of this is €10, lunch and dinner will be provided.
Our new Beavers can come up on Saturday morning from 9AM – 1PM at no charge but you must bring a packed lunch. Again, please meet and collect from the MAIN CARPARK in Larch Hill.
If your child needs to take any medication over the period of the camp the medication should be put into a clear plastic bag with your child’s name on it and given to your leaders on arrival at Larch Hill. You will be required to complete a separate form – PDF will be available shortly.
Please return the slip (which was handed to your child at their Section Meeting) to the Section leader in charge to let us know if your child will be attending this camp ASAP but no later than Friday 19th September.
Camp Chief
PDF Group Camp Letter – Group Camp 2014
PDF Medication Form – Managing_Medications_Form