Beaver Scouts Wednesday… Upcoming Activities

Below are the outings that we will have before the end of this Scouting year.

Sunday 12th May 2013                    Larch Hill – As part of the Chief Scout award

our 3rd year beavers will walk from the Den to Larch Hill and the rest of the Beavers will meet us in Larch Hill for the afternoon.   Full details will be given next week.


Sat/Sun 25th/26th May 2013             Conn only sleepover. This sleepover is only for our

3rd year (Conn) Beavers.  We are currently finalising details for this fun event but we will be going on an exciting activity and then sleeping over in our Den.  The cost will be €25.00 payable by 22nd May.   Please text asap if your child will be attending as we need to book places for the day activity.

Sat/Sun 22nd/23rd June 2013           Beaver Camp Larch Hill – The full cost of this event will be €25.00 (inclusive of the Deposit of €10.00).  If you have booked a place and are now not attending please let us know.  Similarly if you have not booked a place and would like to go we have a limited number of places available.


This camp is themed “Mad Hatters on the Hill” and each person will need a costume for part of the event.  We will have some lovely hats that you may purchase from us if you wish for €2.00.   Full details of this, and of the event will given out closer to the time.


If you have any questions about any of these activities, please speak to any of the leaders.

Beaver Leaders

Maria, Monica, Stephen, Serena and Sinead