Category: Scouts

Scout Dates for Diary: Including Info for Annual Camp 2013


Saturday 9th February: Hostel – More information to come shortly

February/March: Patrol Camps will begin. Each Patrol will camp on a different weekend. The venue will most likely be Larch Hill as staff are available 24/7. Patrol Camps are a big part of the One Programme and we would encourage all Scouts to attend their Patrol Camps.

12th, 13th & 14th April: County Camp. Venue and Price to be confirmed by the County.

MPC: 12th, 13th, 14th April

MPC: 10th, 11th, 12th May

3-5 May: (May Bank Holiday Weekend): County Shield Weekend. This is the annual shield competition. All Scouts are encouraged to attend this competition.


Other Activities

6th & 7th April: Bag Pack

26th, 27th, 28th April: Bag Pack

The above Bag Packs are for ANNUAL CAMP fundraising



Annual Camp 2013

Location: Isle of Man

Price: €450

Dates: Sunday 28th July – Tuesday 6th August

Deposit: €150

Closing Date: Thursday 7th February


For any Scout who has already paid their deposit of €150, we have this on file. If any Scout paid their deposit of €150 and cannot come on camp now due to the date change, we can give you a full refund.

Please have deposits in no later than Thursday 7th February.

We have two fundraising bag packs to take the cost of €450 down. These bag pack dates are as mentioned above. Monies raised during these bag packs will be split by hourly rate of each scout taking part. Monies will then be distributed back to each parent at the final Camp meeting.


23/01/2013 Update: We will be staying INDOORS on this Annual Camp

Scout New Year

Happy New Year to all of our Scouts!

We will begin back for the year next Thursday the 10th January.

Reminder: Parents Meeting Thursday 17th January @ 9pm in the Scout Den. Please attend this meeting as it is an urgent meeting about our Annual Camp 2013.

Scouts: Parents Meeting for Annual Camp 2013

A Parents Meeting will take place on Thursday the 17th January at 9pm to discuss Annual Camp.

Due to the cancellation of the Irish Jamboree we are opening our closing date for deposits again to ensure every scout has the chance to come on Annual Camp. All will be discussed during the meeting.

If you have paid a deposit and DO NOT wish to join us on Annual Camp there will be refunds available.

We would appreciate it if all parents/guardians would attend this meeting.

Fossets Christmas Circus

Fossets Christmas Circus are giving us FREE tickets for next Mondays show (the 17th).

We are meeting at Kilmainham Hospital at 6:45pm.

The Circus will end at 9:30pm and all children MUST be collected by parents.

Neckerchiefs must be worn and warm clothes too! Please DO NOT bring day bags with you as you will not need them.

Spending money is MAX 5 euro.

Scouts: Fossets Christmas Circus

Fossets Christmas Circus are giving our scout group FREE tickets for next Mondays show (the 17th).

We are meeting at Kilmainham Hospital at 6:45pm.

The Circus will end at 9:30pm and all scouts MUST be collected by parents.

Neckerchiefs must be worn and warm clothes too!


If interested, please TEXT your childs name to Lisa (085 169 3385) by 6pm this Wednesday the 12th as tickets will need to be reserved.