Category: Scouts

Group Bag Pack Fundraiser. 18th-21st October

Hi All!

Please keep an eye out on our website for the timetable of our Bag Pack Fundraiser.

This Fundraiser will take place in Tesco, Dundrum Town Centre from the 18th October to the 21st October.

The timetable will be shown here shortly and will give you the opportunity to SWAP with another Beaver/Cub/Scout/Venture/Rover (Once Ok’d by your Section Leader).

Thursday 18th October 5pm – 9pm – On the Thursday night of the Bag Pack all of the SCOUT Section will meet outside Tesco Dundrum @ 5pm (If you will be any later please let your leader know) We will spend the duration of our Scout meeting in Dundrum Town Centre. More details to follow. All monies raised will go straight to the Group and not to the Section taking part in the Bag Pack.

The rest of the days are yet to be confirmed but please keep an eye on our website for the Rotas!


Countdown is on… less than a week to go!

Summer is over and everyone is back to school…

The good news is that all sections are starting back next week.  We’re looking forward to it, we hope you are too!  Sections are starting back at the same great times (mostly) in the same great places…

  • Monday, 19:00 – 20:30 –> Cub Scouts **NEW TIME**
  • Monday, 20:30 – 22:00 –> Venture Scouts
  • Wednesday, 18:00 – 19:15 –> Beaver Scouts
  • Wednesday, 19:30 – 21:00 –> Cub Scouts
  • Thursday, 19:30 –  21:30 –> Scouts
  • Friday, 18:15 – 19:30 –> Beaver Scouts
  • Rover Scouts meet at different times… they’ll figure it out!

See you soon… If you have any queries about which section you due to start back with email us [email protected]



Scout Section has a busy start back…

Our Scout Section will start back on Thursday the 13th September.

A few dates for your diary:

Parents Meeting: Thursday 20th September @ 9pm. This meeting will be to discuss Annual Camp for 2013. Annual Camp 2013 will take place @ the Irish Jamboree 2013, Stradbally. Information can be found here

Scout Day Out: Sunday 23rd September we will be having an activity day. More information to follow.

Group Camp: Our Annual Group Camp will take place this year from Friday 28th – Sunday 30th September. A Letter was handed out at the Scout Meeting Thursday 13th. The cost of this Camp will be €30.