Isle of Man 2013 Equipment List
(all personal equipment should have the scouts name clearly marked on it)
Essential Items
- Parental Consent Form
- Neckerchief
- Good Quality Waterproof Rain Jacket and Trousers (Shower proof rain jackets and trousers are not adequate in long periods of rain)
- Haversack / Rucksack (that can accommodate ALL gear inside it)
- Day Bag/Small Bag (ideally this should fit inside the haversack empty)
- Rucksack Liner (or all gear to be put inside plastic bags)
- Sleeping Bag
- Hiking Boots (Shoes / Runners will not suffice)
- Old Runners/ shoes for water activities
- Plenty of Layers (i.e. wearing two or three t-shirts is more beneficial than wearing one large jumper)
- T-Shirts
- Socks & Underwear
- Fleece / Jumper
- Trousers / Combats/(outdoor activity type) Preferably Craghoppers or similar (No Jeans)
- Shorts
- Swimming Gear
- Limited Toiletries
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Soap
- Large Towel
- Pyjamas / Night Ware
- Plastic Cup, Bowl, Knife, Fork & Spoon (a plate is not essential as a bowl can be used in its place)
- Plastic Bags
- Sun cream
- Insect Repellent
- Any medications required (must be included on consent form and handed up on arrival)
Optional Items
- Hat, Scarf & Gloves
- Gaiters
- Torch (Ideally Head Torch)
Not Permitted
- Mobile Phones
- All electronic items (except cameras and torches at own risk)
Additional Information:
- Meeting Time: Scouts are to required to meet at Dublin Port (Terminal 1 Alexandra Road) at 09.30am. on Sun 28th. We are travelling with “The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company.”
- Uniform: ALL SCOUTS MUST TRAVEL IN FULL UNIFORM. It is recommended that hiking boots be worn with uniform to save room in your haversack.
- Passports: Passports are not required for the event. They are not required to enter the Isle of Man from Ireland and the ferry company that we are travelling with (Steam Packet Company) do not require any form of I.D when travelling, as they do not operate on any international routes.
- Pocket Money: Pocket money in Sterling or Manx is to be handed up on arrival in an envelope with the scouts name on it. For this camp the maximum amount to be brought is £80 although it is recommended that less be taken. £10 may be kept by each scout for the ferry trip etc in addition to the money handed up on arrival.
- Collection Time: Ferry is scheduled to dock in Dublin at 09.55am on Tue 6th August.
- Contact Details. For Emergency, Use Only parents may contact the leaders on 087-9037744