Author: Scout Section Team

Troop Hostel Weekend – 8th to 10th November

What: Troop Hostel Weekend

When: Friday 8th to Sunday 10th November

Where: Aurora House, Glencree, Co. Wicklow. Directions found here.

Cost: €40 per scout, paid on or before Thursday the 7th of November. Scout Leaders will be in the den from 7:30 pm on Monday 4th November, payments may be dropped up then.

Parents should confirm their scout(s) attendance for this hostel ASAP by texting Micaela. Scouts will meet at the Den at 7:00 pm on Friday 8th November and return at 2:00 pm on Sunday 10th November. Lifts will be required to and from the activity.

Equipment List: 

– Neckerchief & Woggle
– Sleeping Bag
– Warm Clothes
– Night Wear
– Toiletries
– Eating Equipment
– Small Day Bag
– Water Bottle
– Notebook & Pen
– Hiking Boots
– Rain Gear

October’19 Update for Scouts

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Firstly, I would like to welcome all our new scouts that are joining us this year, both from cubs and
joining us new this year also. Please note the following dates for your diary.


  • Day Activity: Sunday 6th October.
    Please bring a packed lunch, hiking boots and rain gear (trousers and coat) all in small backpack (no
    drawstring bags). Meet at the den at 9.30am lifts required. Pick up at 4pm. This is mandatory for any
    scouts wishing to take part in the MPC.
  • Ulster Mountain Pursuit Challenge: Friday 11th – Sunday 13th October
    This is for a small group of older scouts only.
  • PL/APL Weekend: Friday 18th – Sunday 20th October
    Training weekend for PLs and APLs. Taking place in Irish Military War Museum is located in Starinagh, Collon, Co.Meath, A92-V4K7. Map location can be found here. Start Date & Time: Friday 18th October @ 8:00 PM. Finish Date & Time: Sunday 20th October @ 1:30 PM.
  • Troop Hostel Weekend: Friday 8th – Sunday 10th November
    Hostel weekend activity. Cost €40, payment due by 24th October. More details closer to the time.
  • Christmas Weekend: Saturday 14th – Sunday 15th December


  • Uniforms: All scouts are required to wear full uniform to weekly meetings. Uniforms must now be ordered
    online ( However sizes can be tried on in the scout shops showrooms in Bray.
  • Activities Consent Forms: Please return consent forms as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Please ensure all details on this consent form are complete and accurate. If anything changes during the year please let us know so they can be updated. The primary mobile number provided on these forms will be used for communication from the scout section.
  • Communication: We ask you please not to reply to texts unless a response is asked for. Please direct any queries to the scout leaders on a Thursday evening. If you do not want communication via text please let us know when returning the consent form.

Finally keep an eye on for updates through out the forth coming year.

Yours in Scouting,
The Scout Leaders