Author: 103rd Willington
Scout Activities 2015
Please note the following on your calendar;
1. Sunday 24th January – Hike
We expect full participation on this event.
In the event that your son/daughter cannot attend, please let our scout leaders know ASAP.
2. Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd February – Overnight
More details to follow.
3. As discussed at Thursday nights meeting, any scout wishing to achieve their Special Interest Badge, or Discovery/Terra Nova badge etc is encouraged to visit where you will find all information to achieve these badges (under the One Programme section of their website).
4. Bag Pack 27th & 28th February
This Bag Pack will be for anyone going on ANNUAL CAMP. Rota will be done up soon.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all of our Youth Members!
Dates for starting back in 2015 are as follows;
Monday Cubs – Monday 12th January
Tuesday Beavers – Tuesday 6th January
Wednesday Beavers – Wednesday 14th January
Wednesday Cubs – Wednesday 14th January
Thursday Scouts – Thursday 8th January