Category: News

Countdown is on… less than a week to go!

Summer is over and everyone is back to school…

The good news is that all sections are starting back next week.  We’re looking forward to it, we hope you are too!  Sections are starting back at the same great times (mostly) in the same great places…

  • Monday, 19:00 – 20:30 –> Cub Scouts **NEW TIME**
  • Monday, 20:30 – 22:00 –> Venture Scouts
  • Wednesday, 18:00 – 19:15 –> Beaver Scouts
  • Wednesday, 19:30 – 21:00 –> Cub Scouts
  • Thursday, 19:30 –  21:30 –> Scouts
  • Friday, 18:15 – 19:30 –> Beaver Scouts
  • Rover Scouts meet at different times… they’ll figure it out!

See you soon… If you have any queries about which section you due to start back with email us [email protected]



Scout Section has a busy start back…

Our Scout Section will start back on Thursday the 13th September.

A few dates for your diary:

Parents Meeting: Thursday 20th September @ 9pm. This meeting will be to discuss Annual Camp for 2013. Annual Camp 2013 will take place @ the Irish Jamboree 2013, Stradbally. Information can be found here

Scout Day Out: Sunday 23rd September we will be having an activity day. More information to follow.

Group Camp: Our Annual Group Camp will take place this year from Friday 28th – Sunday 30th September. A Letter was handed out at the Scout Meeting Thursday 13th. The cost of this Camp will be €30.

Race Series – Goodie Bag Packing

The last pre marathon race in the Race Series 2012 is coming up with the Half Marathon being held mid September.  For us that means there are 6,000 goodie bags to pack!

This will be the last in the series of goodie bag packs for 2012 and we need huge support from parents & members of the Group to make sure we get it all done… and quickly!

We will be in the den from 9:30am on Saturday 8th September to begin the pack and when there are lots of hand on deck, it never takes more than a few hours to complete… even for 6,000 bags!

If you can spare some time on the day people lend a hand.  Even if you can only make it for an hour or two it will make all the difference.

Looking forward to seeing you there next week for a couple of hours.  All are welcome, parents, friends, aunts & uncles etc!

Group Council Meeting – 4th September

With the beginning of the Scout Year approaching, the first Group Council Meeting is due to be held next Tuesday 4th September at 8pm.

Following from the meeting we will be getting in touch with everyone with regard to registering for the year ahead and the Group AGM due to be held in coming months.

In the meantime we will be in touch to confirm the restart dates for each of the sections.  We hope everyone has had a good summer and look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Note Group Council is the management body of the Scout Group, attended by Scouters and Youth Representatives.  Attendance is not required or intended for parents / guardians.


Group Camp

A Group Camp will take place in Larch Hill from Friday 28th to Sunday 30th September.  All Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers & Rovers are welcome to join us on this fun packed weekend (Please note that the Beaver programme will run from Saturday 29th to Sunday 30th).

A memo will be circulated in early September outlining Camp times and details.